Fell Dyke Primary School

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World Book Day 2025

The children have had a fantastic World Book Day.

This year our theme was Fact and Fiction.

All of the children took part in a special quiz during our morning assembly, where representatives from our four houses competed to find which had the best book knowledge. It was a hard fought competition but Angel house narrowly managed to beat their three competitors to take the top prize!

Children have also been working with their teachers to decorate their classroom doors on the theme of a favourite book, with a prize on offer for the winning class. They are well worth a look.

We had over 100 entries into our book-themed 'decorate a paper plate' competition and the standard was very high.

The winners in each phase were:

ST (Purple)

PT (Gold)

BUS (Bronze)

LB (Red)

A book voucher will be with them during the next Celebration assembly!

We will be keeping the decorated paper plates to create a fantastic display inside one of our shared learning spaces very soon.

In related news, our school book fair managed to raise around £750 for school to spend on new books for the children to use in school. This was all because parents and carers supported the book fair, purchasing over £1,400 of books for their children to take home. Thank you all so much: we hope the children are enjoying their new books!

We will update the gallery with more pictures as they are sent in by the teachers.

Happy World Book Day everyone!

World Book Day 2025