Wednesday 12 March 2025 Revealing our World Book Day doors... As part of our World Book Day celebrations, each class was tasked with working with their teachers to decorate their classroom door based on a story the children enjoy.
Tuesday 11 March 2025 Scarlet Class Tree Planting Today, the children in Scarlet Class were very lucky to take part in tree planting with Jess from the Royal Forestry Society.
Monday 10 March 2025 Shrove Tuesday in Reception The children celebrated pancake day in Reception by mixing their own batter and making pancakes. We read the story of Mr Wolf's pancakes before deciding to make our own. We followed the recipe, weighed out the ingredients and then Ms Lawrie cooked them for us. We got to choose which topping we wanted on our pancake and the choices were delicious. The choices were... golden syrup, lemon juice or chocolate sauce! I bet you can all guess which topping went down the best. Of course it was the chocolate! After seeing our photos you will definitely be asking the Reception children to make your pancakes in the future.
Saturday 8 March 2025 Purple Class Visit MakerSpace at Gateshead Library Gateshead Library is full of fantastic resources, including lots of advanced tech kit such as 3D printers, laser cutters and heat transfer printing.
Friday 7 March 2025 World book Day Bronze class We had a fantastic World Book Day in Bronze class. We all dressed up in some fantastic costumes and then helped to create pictures for our classroom door that we are making into the 'Enormous Crocodile'. We sorted books into fiction and non-fiction and found out some interesting facts about crocodiles. Did you know that some male saltwater crocodiles can grow to be 7 metres long?!
Thursday 6 March 2025 World Book Day 2025
Thursday 6 March 2025 Nursery Celebrate World Book Day! Nursery looked fantastic in all their character costumes today. The children enjoying spending extra time listening to stories especially those that their friends had brought in to share.
Thursday 6 March 2025 Perfect Pancakes! Nursery had a wonderful time returning to school on Pancake Day! They enjoyed listening to the story 'Mr Wolf's Pancakes' before engaging in activities linked to the text . Of course their favourite task was eating the pancakes! Yum, yum!
Thursday 6 March 2025 Reception's visit from 'The Bug Man' To kick start our new half term learning about mini beasts and life cycles, the children were visited by Guy Tansley also known as 'The Bug Man'. During his visit the children were introduced to a range of 'Megabeasts' some mini and some not so. We learnt about the habitats of the creatures that were brought, what they like to eat and where in the world they live. Some of the animals included... stick insects, tarantulas, snakes, cockroaches, a scorpion, leaf insects and many more.
Wednesday 5 March 2025 Scarlet Class - Passover Seder Scarlet Class have really enjoyed exploring Judaism this half term. We love demonstrating our Fell Dyke value 'Equality' and learning about the similarities and differences between ourselves and people around the world.
Friday 21 February 2025 DT Making Fruit Salad Bronze class practiced their cutting, chopping and grating skills to make a fruit salad for Ms Savage.
Friday 21 February 2025 Tree Planting Purple Class took part in a tree planting activity facilitated by the Royal Forestry Society. They had an amazing time and worked together in small groups to achieve their task. We planted over 40 trees in under an hour, showing an amazing team spirit!
Friday 14 February 2025 Love is in the air... Nursery have had a wonderful week exploring Valentines themed learning opportunities and thinking about special people. All our Nursery children are special to the staff here at Fell Dyke and we are super proud of how they have collaborated with their friends during our activities this week!
Friday 14 February 2025 Purple Class History Purple Class looked at primary sources from Ancient Egypt. First, they thought about what they could see in the source through describing its features. Then, the thought about what it might show about the role of slaves or the Pharaoh in society. Finally, we compared the sources to think about how the lives of these two groups were different.
Friday 14 February 2025 Purple Class Laing Art Gallery Visit This week Purple Class had an amazing opportunity to take part in an art workshop at the Laing Art Gallery. After walking around the gallery for inspiration, they created their own designs using foam and printed them onto card. They also enjoyed looking around Newcastle City center and using the Metro.
Monday 10 February 2025 Turquoise's trip to The Laing. The children in Turquoise Class took a trip to Newcastle to visited the Laing Art Gallery. We used public transport, which was great to get us prepared for secondary school. We took the 56 bus from school to Market Street in Newcastle. Once we arrived we walked to the Laing, where we took part in a Printmaking workshop then had our lunch. We finished with a very wet walk through Newcastle stopping outside the library before walking up to Haymarket Metro. We took the Metro from Haymarket to Gateshead and then took the 56 back to school! What a fantastic day!
Friday 7 February 2025 NSPCC Number Day Thank you to all the parents, staff and children for their amazing effort today to make our first Number Day a huge success! The children looked fabulous ‘dressed up for digits’ and the donations made will help to fund the vital work of the NSPCC.
Friday 7 February 2025 Nursery Number Day! Nursery had lots of fun celebrating NSPCC's 'Dress Up For Digit's Day'. They took part in lots of number related activities, developing their counting skills and recognition of numerals.
Thursday 6 February 2025 Brilliant Books Nursery enjoyed a visit from our local librarian this week. Joanne shared some of her favourite books before leaving a wonderful surprise. A pack of books for all the children to take home and enjoy!
Thursday 6 February 2025 Red Class Library Trip The children in Red Class thoroughly enjoyed their local trip to Wrekenton library. After visiting the school library each week it was a special treat for us to get on our walking shoes and head just around the corner. Once we arrived, Joanne greeted us and showed us around. We listened to some of Joanne's favourite stories before exploring the books ourselves. Each child chose and scanned out a book to bring back to class. Each of the children's choices will be used on the class voting station so everyone's choices can be shared. We are hoping to visit the library again soon to explore more of our favourite stories and books.
Thursday 6 February 2025 Year 1/2 - February - shapes The children in Blue class have started their learning on shape. They have placed shapes over the top of other shapes, created tangram pictures and mirrored pictures with a partner. They have been trying really hard to use their new vocabulary word “rotate” when creating their shape pictures.
Tuesday 4 February 2025 Laing Art Gallery Orange The children in Orange Class visited the Laing Art Gallery in Newcastle. For this visit, the children used public transport. We took the 56 bus from school to Market Street in Newcastle. We took part in the Printmaking workshop then had our lunch. We finished with a walk through Newcastle to Monument then up to Haymarket Metro. We took the Metro from Haymarket to Gateshead and then took the 56 back to school! What a fantastic day!
Monday 3 February 2025 Chinese New Year in Reception Lunar New Year celebrations are underway in Reception. This year we are celebrating the year of the snake. The children listened to the folk story and ordered the animals who placed in the race. We then took part in many activities to develop both our skills and our knowledge of Chinese new year traditions. We made "Hong bao" which are lucky money wallets, Chinese lanterns, fire breathing dragons and fans. On Friday we had a special treat and we discussed and used the words salty, crunchy, hard, soft, hot and cold to describe some foods that we ate. These included egg noodles, egg friend rice, crispy seaweed, fortune cookies, prawn crackers and curry sauce.
Thursday 30 January 2025 Rose Class - Local Library Trip Rose class children were lucky enough to go on a trip to our local library in Wrekenton ahead of National Story telling Week on 3rd February 2025. We walked from school to the the library, looking at and talking about our local environment and familiar buildings as we passed them.
Tuesday 28 January 2025 Amazing Animals! This half term the Nursery children have been learning all about different animals. They have explored lots of activities linked to farm and jungle animals. They have been trying hard to recognise, name and describe animals. They are beginning to think about where animals live and how we can take care of those in our environment.
Tuesday 28 January 2025 Luna New Year! Nursery have had a wonderful time learning about the Luna New Year this week! They especially enjoyed a visit from our friend Joy who shared the story of 'The Great Race'.
Friday 24 January 2025 Year 1/2 - January - Year 2 maths We have been finding ways to help us remember greater than, less than and equal to in maths this week.
Friday 24 January 2025 Y1/2 Fruit Tasting The children in Pink and Blue classes enjoyed tasting different seasonal fruits in DT. They tried green apples, red apples, plums, raspberries, blueberries, blackberries and pears. They talked about the texture and taste of the fruit, including the skin, deciding whether they were soft, crunchy, sweet or sharp.
Monday 20 January 2025 Computing in Bronze class This half term Year 2 are learning about algorithms in Computing. This week we have been giving commands to the Blue-Bots to move them in a straight line and turn left and right.
Tuesday 14 January 2025 Year 2 - Hundertwasser Art In Autumn term we learned about the artist and architect Freidensreich Hundertwasser. We learned that he was inspired by nature and he liked curved rather than straight lines. His paintings are very colourful so we used our colouring skills to create our final masterpieces.